
The Privileged Man Podcast

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Welcome to episode 10 of The Privileged Man podcast with Sir Andrew Strauss. Straussy was a legendary England Cricket Captain becoming one of only three Englishmen to win the ashes both in England and Australia. 

I start off the podcast getting in as much cricket trivia as possible before settling into a deeper conversation on how Andrew dealt with the tragically early death of his beloved wife Ruth and the legacy it ultimately and stunningly created through the Ruth Strauss Foundation. 

Andrew’s openness and vulnerability to talk about his grief is remarkably courageous and I’m hugely grateful too him for coming on the podcast and modelling this type of leadership. 

For More:

Ruth Strauss Foundation - https://ruthstraussfoundation.com/

The Privileged Man - https://www.theprivilegedman.com/

Your Wheel of Life - https://www.theprivilegedman.com/insights/

Welcome to another special episode of The Privileged Man podcast with Damian Hopley MBE, a former rugby union star for London Wasps and England.

Damian or Hoppers as he’s widely known excelled in rugby from a young age, representing his schools of St Benedict and Harrow before moving onto St Andrews and Cambridge where he studied Theology, hence later on being nicknamed in the press as “the vicar of rugby”. 

A versatile player, Damian's career was on the rise until injuries forced an early retirement at just 26. But his impact on the sport didn't end there.

In 1998, he founded the Rugby Players' Association, advocating for the welfare of professional rugby players in England, a contribution that earned him an MBE.

Damian’s intimate view on the world of rugby today is fascinating but much more than that I found Damian’s honesty about his own experiences vulnerable and courageous and a brilliant example for all men to follow as you will particularly find towards the end of this podcast. 

For more information on The Privileged Man, please visit: https://www.theprivilegedman.com/

I am delighted to be in conversation with Dr Dan Poulter who has been the MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich since May 2010. Dan is also a psychiatrist.

Between 2012 and 2015 he was a Government health minister with responsibilities including maternity, child health, veteran’s health, NHS procurement, NHS estates, and the NHS workforce. He is currently Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health and a member of the Energy and Net Zero House of Commons Select Committee.   

Dan has extensive knowledge and public policy expertise in health & social care, energy & climate change, agriculture, international development, public sector procurement, and drugs laws.  

He still works as an NHS doctor in the field of mental health, liaison psychiatry and addictions on a part-time basis.   

I really enjoyed speaking with Dan, I found him remarkably authentic and real as a Member of Parliament, and an extremely knowledgeable psychiatrist.

For more on The Privileged Man, please visit: https://www.theprivilegedman.com/

Welcome to this special episode of The Privileged Man Podcast, where we delve into the groundbreaking work of Nick Duffell, a renowned expert in the psychological impact of boarding schools. 

With professional qualifications spanning systemic Family Therapy, Psychosynthesis, Psychoanalysis and  Somatic Therapy, Nick has emerged as the trailblazer psychotherapist in understanding the experiences of numerous boarding school pupils.

He has authored several influential books, such as "The Making of Them" (which was endorsed by the British Medical Journal) and "Wounded Leaders,". Both these books challenge societal norms and perceptions surrounding the boarding school experience. 

Of course, for this alternative view, Nick is widely challenged and criticised by powerful institutions. 

His work is based on his findings from numerous Boarding School attendees and so I ask that, however confronting you may find Nick’s viewpoint, you look at it with an open heart and mind. I don’t think any of us who went to Boarding School can call it a perfect experience and as such its consequences are worth exploring for us as individuals, our families and society as a whole. 

As ever, if listening to this podcast does trigger you, please do get in touch through the details on the website at www.theprivilegedman.com

In episode 6 of The Privileged Man Podcast we welcome Dr Phil Hopley. Phil is a Medical Doctor, Consultant Psychiatrist and is a globally recognised expert in mental health and performance. To top that off, he also walked the walk playing premiership rugby player for Wasps. 

He currently holds advisory roles with a number of the UK’s leading professional service firms and the McLaren Formula 1 Race Team and has worked with countless top level sportsmen, clubs, Politicians and businessmen. 

Phil’s 20 years as a medicolegal expert enables him to effectively support leaders coping with the intense media-exposed demands of high profile events including: Commons Select Committee hearings, the US Senate Committee hearings, contentious Employment Tribunals and Civil Court cases. 

It’s fair to say that by the end of this podcast I was feeling that much smarter for listening too and knowing I was in the presence of one of the world’s most sort after psychiatrists. 

If you enjoy this episode please do support us by giving it a 5* review. Thank you so much.

Today we welcome Patrick Foster, a former professional cricketer, insurance broker, and independent schoolteacher. His story, however, is not one of seamless victories. Behind the facade of an idyllic upbringing and early accomplishments, Patrick grappled with a pathological gambling addiction that began during his university days. The challenges he faced in transitioning from the world of sport into the harsh realities of everyday life fuelled a dependency that would see him bet an astounding £4 million over 12 years.

Patrick's addiction monopolised his existence, pushing him to the very edge and bringing him to the precipice of taking his own life in March 2018. This rock-bottom moment served as a catalyst for change, triggering a profound awakening within him.

Driven by an inner need to turn his hardship into a beacon of hope for others, Patrick has committed himself to share his journey since 2018 with the world. 

This episode is a narrative of a privileged education, happiness, despair, understanding, and eventually recovery to understand what it means to be a truly privileged man. Welcome to another eye-opening episode of The Privileged Man Podcast.

Today I welcome a woman who has been a guiding star in my own journey of self-discovery, Janet Hogan. 

After discovering The Privileged Man in The Sunday Times, I started to work with Janet who helped me uncover a belief (which I will reveal in this podcast) that held me back for over 30 years.

This is not unique to me. We all have a core be-LIE-f that we are telling ourselves that is responsible for the vast majority of our behaviour.

Janet's narrative is not just compelling, but deeply inspirational. At the height of her commercial success story, Janet found herself in possession of everything but the one thing she’d been chasing her entire life: inner peace. 

This elusive peace wasn't found in an expected epiphany but emerged from a near-death experience, casting her life into sharp, transformative focus.

From the brink of the unknown, she heard a voice that said, “Janet, you’ve let everyone down.” and in that startling moment, she realized that what she had believed to be selfless sacrifices were actually a form of denial and She’d been unknowingly withholding her greatest gift from the world – her incredible ability to teach and guide.

After this revelation, Janet dedicated the next decade to the study of Personal Development. However, it was her two-decade tenure in advertising, studying human motivation, combined with her frustration with traditional therapies and transformational modalities that drove her to create her unique programs.

Now, Janet devotes her energy to helping others find their true path and go on their own inner journeys. 

Welcome to a truly enlightening episode 4 of the Privileged Man Podcast.

Today, we have another incredible guest, Benjamin Fry.

An Eton and Oxford graduate, Benjamin started out his career after film school with work that was distributed by giants HBO and Paramount, he was also a nightlife entrepreneur, and a BBC television presenter. This list of eclectic experiences eventually led him to train as a psychotherapist and author his first book of three.

But with all this success, Benji's story took a significant turn when he personally grappled with a breakdown as he neared 40, an experience that gave him a unique perspective on the state of mental health support, particularly for men. 

Using his business acumen, media skills, and clinical training, he founded Khiron Clinics, one of the only residential trauma-treatment centres globally.

Whilst stepping back from the day to day of Khiron, Benjamin now offers therapy to couples, helping them heal their relationships with the knowledge and tools gained from his own experiences and professional training.

If you want to hear a raw and unfiltered story of a man who society would see as having everything but felt like he had nothing and his path back, then this is the episode for you.  

Today I am joined by none other than Alistair Elliott, renowned for his term as the Senior Partner and Group Chairman of Knight Frank, the world's largest privately owned property advisory company.

During his tenure, Knight Frank broke record after record financially but also modernised as a company, committing, for example, to be net zero by 2027.

Alistair’s success story continues to go from strength to strength after his Knight Frank retirement in 2021, expanding into the realms of social change and mental health. As the Chairman of Learn2Live, he's passionately engages in assisting teenagers to surmount mental health challenges.

In the world of real estate, he continues to wield his wisdom with senior roles at Grosvenor, and the ’s estates.

I loved spending this time with Alistair and downloading his wisdom to share with you. We cover everything from family, to alcohol, to learning difficulties, to letting people go, to the 4F’s but enough from me…

I hope you enjoy the episode.

Today, we have a very special guest, Max Dickins. A man who has traversed the landscape of media and art, leaving a mark on each and every platform he graces, from print to stage, from radio waves to the small screen BUT today he’s here with us in London to discuss something profoundly personal and universally impactful. He's the acclaimed author of 'Billy No Mates: How I Realised Men Have a Friendship Problem', a book that has made a global impact and has been translated into numerous languages. This is not just a piece of literature; it's an exploration of male friendships, an issue often buried under layers of machismo and societal expectations. His insightful and hilarious writing has also been featured in prominent publications such as The Observer, Sunday Times, Daily Mail, and GQ highlighting his unique blend of candor and wit. A Sony Award nominee for his radio show on Absolute Radio, a playwright with a nationally toured, critically acclaimed play 'Man on the Moor', and a familiar face on BBC One’s Michael McIntyre’s Big Show - he is a man of many talents indeed. But today, we focus on the issue at the heart of his book 'Billy No Mates', an issue that resonates with so many men the often-unspoken problem of forming and maintaining male friendships. It is my great pleasure to introduce our esteemed guest, the multitalented and insightful, Mr. Max Dickins.

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